Terra Lumina - Return To The Sky

Within the heart of every cloud
And each and every cell
There's a molecule
With long and wild tales it can tell

The basis of all life
It's found in earth and sky and in ourselves

Water's in the sky
Where ever-hanging clouds float by
Tilt your head back, free your mind
To all the wondrous shapes you'll find

Water's in the air
It takes its form as vapor there
Or in dew drops on the grass
Solid, liquid, or a gas

From the sky above our heads
To the earth beneath our feet
Over rocky river beds and to the sea

Flowing through our bodies
And within our every cell
Absorbing heat
Ascending to the sky from which it fell

Return to the sky, evaporate and rise
Bring life down to us all, precipitate and fall

Throughout the universe we see
This molecule's abundancy
In planetary atmospheres
In vapor clouds so far from here

If all of life on this depends
It's wonderful to comprehend
The thought that we are not alone
On this planet we call home

Water flows with ease
Making rivers, oceans, lakes, and streams
But over time it can erode
And help all things on earth to grow

Water's part of all
Living things both great and small
Any creature you can see
Needs water just like you and me